Non-Invasive Lipo Laser therapy, unlike traditional liposuction therapy, relies on laser energy instead of incisions to remove the fat cells from the body quickly and with minimal effort on the part of the patient. Unlike conventional liposuction, non-invasive lipo laser procedures shrink the fat cells instead of removing them via a surgical procedure.
During each session, a technician places pads equipped with laser diodes directly onto the skin. These pads allow the laser energy to penetrate down to the fat cells and create very small holes within the cell membranes. This process promotes the fat cells to release their stored fatty acids, glycerol, as well as water into the body. Once released in the body, the contents of the cell are easily passed and the cell is shrunken down, potentially resulting in lost inches in as short as a few weeks. The body then flushes out the expelled fat-cell contents through the body’s lymphatic system.
Non-Invasive Lipo Laser therapy is complementary to weight loss programs because your body will end up digesting and burning off the expelled fat-cell contents. You’ll see the most results with a structured weight loss program. A good analogy to depict this is to think of your fat cells as a grape. During the Non-Invasive Lipo Laser treatment, that “grape” has all of its fluids and sugars “squeezed” out and then dried until it’s a raisin.
What is the process of Non-Invasive Lipo Laser therapy?
Unlike the traditional liposuction method, Non-Invasive Lipo Laser therapy eliminates the pain, bruising, and downtime usually associated with the procedure. You are awake for the entire process, and there are no drugs, pain, or surgery needed at all! Just sit back, relax and enjoy!
The technician begins the process by applying the pads, which have multiple laser diodes, to the targeted area. The lasers are active for approximately 20 to 30 min per body area. If necessary, the technician will move the pads to focus on another area and repeat the treatment over again. It’s as simple as that! You may see the technician will move the pads, however, for best results you will need to return for multiple treatments as suggested.
What results should I expect after a Non-Invasive Lipo Laser therapy treatment?
The particular machines used for this treatment harnesses low-level, laser-based light to limit the challenging fat in targeted areas. It also helps to reduce weight in problem areas providing greater levels of precision than other treatments. Within 2 minutes of the treatment, water, glycerol, triglycerides, and toxins are released from the targeted fat cells, much like the grape having its fluids squeezed out. Your metabolism becomes supercharged during this process helping your system remove everything that was released during the Non-Invasive Lipo Laser therapy treatment. Your supercharged metabolism will continue to burn and remove fat for several hours after each treatment. Fortunately, cells are not harmed during the process, unlike invasive procedures.
On average, a normal Non-Invasive Lipo Laser therapy treatment time is approximately 20 to 30 min per body area per treatment. Results may be seen as early as 2-3 treatments however on average maximum results are shown after 6-8 weeks of Non-Invasive Lipo Laser therapy treatment. Because our bodies and goals are different, results may vary between individuals.
It is good to note Non-Invasive Lipo Laser therapy does not actually destroy the fat cells. Instead, the therapy empties the cell of its contents. Because the cell is being emptied of its contents, this means the fat cells are capable of storing fat again. A balanced lifestyle consiting of healthy nutritious foods and exercise is the only way to ensure long-lasting results.