The U.S. obesity rate is now over 40 percent, which is the highest ever recorded. Our team of experts will help you answer the demand for weight loss, providing your business with long-term success. By utilizing the Healthy Habits proven system of success, you can not only help patients lose weight, but you can also drastically increase your cash income. By providing weight loss services in a package or membership program, you will see increased revenue and patient results in your office.
Our easy-to-follow weight loss protocols include virtual consultants, natural supplements and virtual health coaches so you can acquire residual income and long term patient relationships without hiring additional staff or relying on insurance.
• All cash business
• No credentialing required
• Get paid for services
• Growth every year
• Low overhead
• Profit within 90 days
• Insurance hassles
• Credentialing stress
• Wait for reimbursements
• Unpredictable income
• High overhead
• No income for 9 months
We will help your business thrive with long-term cash-based residual income.
See how Healthy Habits can take your business to the NEXT LEVEL with medical integration