Consumers are quickly catching on to the fact that there is no one-size-fits-all diet. Wellness clinics that offer genetic testing to provide customized meal and fitness plans to their clients are moving ahead of the competition. The science is clear – people respond differently to diets because of the difference in their DNA. Some people do well with a high-fat diet while others on the same diet will develop health problems. Some lose weight when they eat more carbohydrates while others gain weight when they increase their carb intake. Clinics that still insist on sticking to one particular diet for all of their clients will lose in this very competitive race.
If you are already offering a diet plan and proven exercise routine to your clients, you may be seeing some success with their results. However, a nutritious diet and regular exercise may not be enough for those who are seeking to achieve an optimal level of health.
What you need to offer to your clients is a customized plan that is tailor-made to meet what their bodies require. You can only provide these customized solutions if you know the genetic makeup of your clients. The key to knowing your clients inside and out is by determining what their bodies need, as dictated by their DNA.
You need to change your approach in helping your clients if you have patients who:
• Are not seeing results despite making dietary and even lifestyle changes.
• Have an intense desire to lose weight and be healthy.
• Have food sensitivity issues.
• Are suffering from inflammation due to diet.
• Are experiencing confusion as to which kind of diet will work best for them.
You can help these people be aware of what is blocking their way through success. You can do that by offering genetic testing as part of your standard protocol for weight loss. By working closely with your client, guided by the results obtained from genetic testing, you can work closely to guide them towards weight loss success.
Providing genetic testing can be done online through a simple process. After you have tested your clients and you have obtained the results, you can offer a custom plan to make sure that they will be able to achieve their weight loss goals safely. Having an effective online support system in place will greatly benefit you and your clients. For you, it can translate to an increase in income. For your clients, it will be a convenient way for them to get expert advice when needed.
It is time that you stop offering a one-sizefits- all solution to your clients. Clearly, these do not work. If you want to revolutionize the way you help people in their weight loss journey, then it is time for you to jump on the genetic testing bandwagon. Genetic testing is not just the future of weight loss, it is actually the present. Do not be left out.
Get Started Today.