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Allergy and sensitivity testing, what types there are and should you offer it?

To sum up, an allergy is the body’s immune system responding to what would normally be considered a harmless substance. Allergy testing and food sensitivity isn’t only beneficial for a patient’s knowledge for what foods could close their throat or cause hives. Testing for food allergies and sensitivities also are an important part in the weight loss journey! The blood and hair tests, a different type of testing offered, enable an individual to eliminate reactive foods form their diet, alleviating previously undiagnosed symptoms. 

These tests are very important, because food allergies can be very dangerous and even fatal. By testing IgE, IgG and IgE antibodies which are found in large concentrations within the body’s mucous membranes, skin as well as lungs, we can determine what an individual’s antibodies are reactive to thus what that person should avoid. When they are triggered, they can cause severe reactions such as swelling of the throat or hives on the skin that take place almost instantly when a food-based antigen is encountered. In a dietary sense, there are subtle symptoms that are usually intestinal related, and can be alleviated by removing certain foods from that individual’s diet. For example, there’s a condition called “Leaky Gut” where someone may have bloating, fatigue, digestive issues and sometimes even skin problems. This is caused from having food sensitivities until they heal their intestinal wall. 

The Healthy Habits comprehensive home-to-lab tests check for common food intolerance items including wheat, fish, milk and meats, and allergen items including pollen, nuts, and pets. Included with your patient’s results is a full guide on how to perform an elimination of the reacting items. At Healthy Habits, we offer 3 separate types of Allergy and food sensitivity tests, The “Choice 70”, the “Prime 110”, and the “Premium 761 hair analysis”. 

Choice 70 Food and Allergy testing kit

The Choice 70 is an easy to use home-to-lab test. Testing 70 common allergies & intolerances, the choice 70 is a great overall test for a broad spectrum. To view a sample report and what is shown, click here

Blood Testing Kit Contents:

Prime 110 Food and Allergy testing kit

The Prime 110 is an easy to use home-to-lab test. Testing 110 common allergies & intolerances, the Prime 110 is a great detailed test that covers a larger area of food allergens. To view a sample report and what is shown, click here

Blood Testing Kit Contents:

Premium 761 Hair Analysis

The Premium 761 test is a comprehensive body health test of 800 items in an easy to use home-to-lab hair sample test. Particularly for symptoms like IBS, bloating, headaches or fatigue, this is the most in depth test offered. To view a sample report and what is shown, click here.

Hair Analysis Kit Contents:

As a Clinic, it should be clear of the benefits to offering Allergy and Food Sensitivity testing. Your patients will be more knowledgeable of what foods are healthy for their body to eat as well as which foods to stay away from or avoid. This could also lead to a better, healthier diet program improving that individual’s life. 

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